Stone Soup Theatre's 2009-2010 Season is in full swing. A Child's Christmas in Wales, adapted from the poem by Dyland Thomas, through Dec. 24; Fool for Love by Sam Shepard, Feb. 19-March 14, 2010; The Vagina Monologues 10th Anniversary Edition, by Eve Ensler, April 2-24, 2010; Original One-Act Play Festival, May 13-23, 2010. For tickets and more information visit
Despite slight dramatization, "Young Victoria" is charming and captivating.
While the holiday season comes to a close, winter weather is still in full swing. And this year, Seattle Department of Transportation has a new approach to snow.
Happy New Year greetings to all, including the Comcast trucks that continue to garishly prune my street trees with their bucket operations.
Years ago, way back at what seemed to be the dawn of time (actually it was only 1956, and I was 10 years old), my father bought a little quarter-midget race car for my younger brother and I to race on the tenth-of-a-mile dirt ovals that were appearing around Southern California back then.
THEATREStone Soup Theatre' 2009-2010 Season is in full swing. Fool for Love by Sam Shepard, Feb. 19-March 14, 2010; The Vagina Monologues 10th Anniversary Edition, by Eve Ensler, April 2-24, 2010; Original One-Act Play Festival, May 13-23, 2010. For tickets and more information visit
More change has arrived for Queen Anne and Magnolia schools with the appointments of new principals at John Hay Elementary, Coe Elementary and The Center School for fall 2010.
"What happens to a dream deferred?"Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore - And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over - like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?
Queen Anne Italian eatery Sorrentino has been completely redone to to restart the New Year.
Muddy footprintsA man called police to report his house had been broken into at 2 p.m. on Jan. 5. Police arrived to the house, located in the 2300 block of West Raye Street, shortly after. Officers checked the house for people; nobody was inside.
Sister TheaDear Editor:Ours is an age of violence and fear. In the midst of our latest terrorist alarm, a rare and welcome act surfaces (Sister Thea inspires QA man Jan. 6). Thank you for this inspirational and heartwarming story. Thank you for placing it on your front page. It needs to be there and treasured as a gift.- Constance F. Ramsey
Indecisive RobberEmployees of a Safeway store located in the 100 block of West Republican Street called police when a man who was profusely bleeding from his face ran into the store saying he'd been stabbed. The event happened at 2:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 18.
In response to the devastation caused by the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti, Seattle Symphony accepted donations on behalf of The American Red Cross International Response Fund at its free community concerts, Jan. 15 and 19. The orchestra's performances of Samuel Jones' Benediction on Jan. 15 and his Elegy on Jan. 19 were dedicated to the victims of Haiti's earthquake. These community concerts took place at South Seattle Community College and at Mercer Middle School. Performances were free and open to the public.
THEATREStone Soup Theatre' 2009-2010 Season is in full swing. Fool for Love by Sam Shepard, Feb. 19-March 14; The Vagina Monologues 10th Anniversary Edition, by Eve Ensler, April 2-24; Original One-Act Play Festival, May 13-23, 2010. For tickets and more information visit