New Ferries On the Water by 2030Washington is getting ready to trade out old ferries for new vessels, according to the WSDOT Ferries Division.The long-range plan extends through 2030, with five purchases planned over the next five years.
The following information was provided by the city's Department of Planning and Development. Written comments on projects should be mailed to 700 Fifth Ave., Suite 2000, P.O. Box 34019, Seattle, WA 98124-4019.
The crosswalks on West McGraw Street/32nd Avenue West are extremely dangerous to pedestrians.Many drivers in vehicles will not, and do not give pedestrians walking these crosswalks their "Legal" right-of-way. Many drivers in vehicles do not make a full stop at these stop signs on these corners and frequently run through these stop signs.
Aries (Mar. 20th-Apr. 19th) You're in the good luck now! Less clash and more cash!
What a paneOn Saturday, July 11, someone managed to shatter a window in a business in the 100 block of W. Mercer St. Officers found no projectile device that could account for the damage. The window in question is 12 feet above street level.
Seattle Department of Neighborhoodsinvites the Queen Anne community to a meeting on the revitalization of Kinnear Park. Meeting attendees will get park updates from representatives of Seattle Parks and Recreation Department and Seattle Police Department, hear about the efforts and progress of the new Friends of Lower Kinnear Park (FOLKpark) steering committee and learn ways to get involved. The meeting is at 7 p.m., Thursday, July 23 at the QA/Mag Neighborhood Service Center at 160 Roy St. Ste. 100. Contact Christa Dumpys, Neighborhood District Coordinator at 206-684-4812 or
Seattle City Council launches new resource siteFor those struggling to pay the bills in the slow economy, Seattle City Council has implemented a new Web site stacked with resources for coping with the recession.The Web site, Recession Resources for Seattle Residents, connects users to information and various sources regarding health care, housing and job training. The site also includes links that can help one deal with their debt."Our goal is to make it easier for Seattle residents to find the help they need, and find it quickly," Council President Richard Conlin said. "Hopefully, these resources will make what is a difficult time for many people just a little less stressful."The idea of the site is to increase the accessibility of existing resources. A search through the site reveals users can access information on several topics, including child care and food assistance, retirement funds and foreclosures."We know that people are hurting," said Conlin, "and we're determined to provide the greatest possible service to our constituents, especially during this difficult time."
Freight, and the ability to move it efficiently, is vital to the Port of Seattle, if one is to believe the Port's news releases, not to mention common sense.
State lawmakers Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Reuven Carlyle and Mary Lou Dickerson last week gave guests a first-hand look at options for the north portal of the state Route 99 bored tunnel.
With 11 of 22 spots open in the upcoming elections for Queen Anne Community Council, current members are hoping to reign in more diversity and broader representation.
When, a few days before the primary-election deadline, the phone rang and the caller ID simply showed "Chicago," I immediately thought, "Aha! Nickels' mob connections are going to bat for him!"
It's good to see progress finally begin on Queen Anne's ballfield No. 3, especially considering undue delays almost put the much-needed repairs off Parks and Recreation's to-do list.
The latest on the health-care front to hit the news this weekend was that President Obama might abandon the bipartisan approach to health care reform.
Phone+booze=crashPolice arrived at the scene of a one-vehicle accident on the 4700 block of West Cramer Street at 10:05 p.m. on Aug. 20. They found a man trying to push a PT Cruiser back onto the roadway out from a ditch with a woman in the driver's seat.