

Violent teens adrift on the sea

Was anyone else besides me shocked to learn that America's newest super villain is only 18 years old? I'm talking about Abdiwali Abdiqadir Muse, the pirate ringleader who briefly captured the American merchant vessel "Mersk-Alabama" last month, held the heroic captain hostage and was aboard a Navy warship when the Navy SEALS shot and killed his three comrades, thus freeing the captain and ending the standoff.

Make love and war

Battlefield dispatches from two great women directors

Kathryn Bigelow and Catherine Breillat are veteran fighters in the male-dominated world of filmmaking. Never-say-die artists, they make movies that are powerful Rorschachs of their own distinctive psyches - no matter how controversial or commercially challenged the subject matter. Both are adrenalin junkies, Bigelow in the action milieu of self-defining physical threat, Breillat in the equally hazardous arena of sexual passion.

Popular Bouncing Wall to close

The Bouncing Wall, the popular boutique that reaped praise in regional and national media outlets is closing.

Obama's plan for a new GM won't work

The Right Side

Statism is a word coined in 1919 according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. The concept developed earlier in the century and excited the "intellectuals" of Europe but did not gain favor in the United States until Woodrow Wilson's term in office from 1913 to 1921.

It's time for health reform in Washington

You've heard a lot about public health lately. During the recent focus on the new influenza virus (H1N1, or "swine flu"), you were told to, "wash your hands," "cover your coughs and sneezes," and "keep your children home from school if they are sick."

High school commencements

TUESDAY, JUNE 9Cleveland, 5 p.m. @ CHS, 5511 15th Ave. S.Middle College/UW campus, 6 p.m. @ UW Water Activities Center.Ingraham, 6:30 p.m. @ IHS, 1819 N. 135th St.Ballard, 8 p.m. @ Memorial Stadium.

Police Blotter 6/10

HOME SOUR HOMEOn W. Blaine, a resident in her 60s has spent years being harassed by a neighbor and adult son who complain about a property line. Even though the line has been marked on sidewalk, street, and yard - and though the victim's gardeners (very aware of the situation) take special care to stay off the neighbor's property, the woman and son continue to yell and cause a fuss. The son has allegedly shoved the victim in the past (the officer states the victim is "elderly and frail from cancer") and has occasionally moved her garbage cans into the middle of the driveway to block her path. When the victim recently went out to tell them to leave the gardeners alone, the female suspect (in her 70s) reportedly stuck out her tongue and made "Nyah Nyah" sounds. An officer stopped by to talk to the suspects, and he reports that the woman "immediately interrupted me and spoke over me" and proclaimed that the victim is a paranoid schizophrenic. The suspect kept "chatting about random things" and wouldn't answer questions. The officer warned that neither she nor her son should speak to or bother the victim or her gardeners. He also took care to tell the suspect one other thing: Based on his years of crisis training, the victim showed no signs of being a paranoid schizophrenic.

Notable victories in Olympia

Postcards from Olympia

The majority of the 2009 legislative session that adjourned April 26 was spent plugging the state's $9 billion budget shortfall - but we also forged new ground with policies such as our effort to restructure our education funding system that I wrote about at the end of April.

More trees, please ...

Notes from the Garden

Recently the Seattle City Council requested an audit to review the City's tree policies. The audit report clearly outlined the extent of the failures by the City to protect its current inventory of trees, and to implement plans going forward for a sustainable urban tree program.

LaVern and Puddy celebrate 55th wedding anniversary

LaVern and Frances Puddy celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on May 31.

Fellowship goes to former Magnolian

Noemia (Mia) King, who grew up in Magnolia and attended Our Lady of Fatima church, has been awarded the Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellowship from the University of Pennsylvania.

Preschool to open along West Nickerson Street

Seattle Learning Center will open its Preschool and Playcare program for the Queen Anne community Sept. 8.

Slim pickins in this year's race for mayor

"I swore I would never vote for Greg Nickels. Now that I see the challengers, I will have to think about this." I am hearing variations of that statement from Democrats and Republicans now that the slate of candidates is set.

Is the Voting Restoration Act a good idea?

Right Angles

At a time when the city, county and state are making public safety cuts to balance their budgets, HR 1517, the Voting Restoration Act, passed in the most recent legislative session, permits convicted felons to restore their right to vote without repayment of legal financial obligations (LFOs).

Police Blotter 7/1

Prowl of the weekA side window was shattered between 8 and 10:30 p.m. June 20 to get into a Honda parked at the corner of Eighth Ave. N. and Broad St., and a Banana Republic laptop bag was stolen.It contained a checkbook, a combination picture ID and keycard for the Federal Reserve Bank, 2007 tax returns and various papers with credit-card information.