Rotary Club: February is food drive month

Bruce McWalter, president of the Rotary Club of Magnolia, presents a check to Matthew Carr of the Ballard Food Bank.

Bruce McWalter, president of the Rotary Club of Magnolia, presents a check to Matthew Carr of the Ballard Food Bank.
Provided to the QAM News

The Rotary Club of Magnolia is sponsoring a month-long food drive for the Ballard Food Bank. This February you will see collection boxes placed at multiple locations throughout Magnolia and Interbay, including Key Bank (Magnolia branch on 34th Street), The Mail Box, Metropolitan Market and Interbay Golf Course.  

Last year, Rotary Club of Magnolia collected 2,000 pounds of food during its February food drive. With the increase need this year, the club is working on a goal to collect 3,000 pounds.

Rotary Club has a long history of supporting food drives starting with support of Northwest Harvest 38 years ago. In the recent past, Rotary has been supporting the Ballard Food Bank with food and cash donations. The Ballard Food Bank serves the northwest area of Seattle, including the neighborhoods of Ballard, Magnolia and Queen Anne. They have seen the need for food grow substantially since COVID. Last month, they had 10,000 visits.

The Ballard Food Bank reports that food donations from individual and businesses accounts for only 30% of their need. They rely on cash donations to purchase the additional food to fill their shelves.

“All donations are appreciated and cash donations are a very effective way to help,” said Bryce McWalter, president of Rotary Club of Magnolia. “It allows the food bank to purchase food at wholesale prices so your dollar goes further to fill their shelves.”

Cash donations can be made by check (payable to Rotary Club Foundation) and dropped off at Key Bank, or mailed to Rotary Club of Magnolia, 3213 West Wheeler, Box 104, Seattle, 98199.

“We ask our neighbors to remember to pick up a food item for donation on your next shopping trip. Our combined efforts can make a big impact,” the club said in a press release.

If you are interested in becoming involved with the Magnolia community through Rotary, contact the Rotary Club of Magnolia at