A community blood drive sponsored by Queen Anne Boy Scout Troop 70 is set for next Saturday (Jan. 27) at the Queen Anne United Methodist Church (1606 5th Ave. W.).
Donors can choose to give whole blood or platelets — six appointment slots are available for the latter — and are asked to register in advance on the Bloodworks Northwest website. Walk-ins are also welcome.
One form of identification is required to donate, either a BloodworksNW Donor Wallet Card, or a photo ID showing your picture and first and last name. People in good health, over the age of 18 and at least 110 pounds can donate blood approximately once every two months (see the Bloodworks website for full eligibility information.
The drive runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For questions, or for help registering, contact Jim Grane at 206-282-6861.
For more information on Boy Scout Troop 70, visit http://www.qatroop70.org/index.html.