QUEEN ANNE & MAGNOLIA IN BRIEF | September 28, 2016

Queen Anne Community Council hosts annual meeting

With 12 spots on its ballot, and 12 candidates running, it didn’t take long for the Queen Anne Community Council to complete its annual meeting last Wednesday night.

Brittany Bollay, Sean Champagne, Michael Crow, Laura Day, Don Harper, Michael Jarrett, Marty Kaplan, Robert Kettle, Margaret Okamoto, Jim Smith, Mike Warren, and Catherine Wilson were elected to the QACC board. Eleven of the 12 will serve two-year terms, while the 12th (yet to be determined) will serve a one-year term.

The Community Council meets next on Oct. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at Queen Anne Manor (100 Crockett St.)


MAX launches new website; offers online registration for fall courses

The board of the Magnolia Art Experience — housed in the Magnolia United Church of Christ (3555 W. McGraw St.) — has worked through the summer to establish itself as the neighborhood’s new art nonprofit, following the mission of becoming, ““Magnolia’s place for creative arts exploration and expression — A place where creativity, imagination and the arts flourish, where all are welcome. A safe place to encourage, nurture and develop the artist in each of us.”

The organization took another step forward earlier this month, with the release of its fall classes, and the launch of its new website, designed by Rachel James under the guidance of the board.

Among the offerings are watercolor paintings courses taught by Nancy Gellos, tempera paint and clay art classes led by Candice Hoyt, an introduction to encaustic painting headed by Colleen Monette, a writing course taught by Monica Wooton, and an introspective class taught by Scott Ward, titled, “The Crossroads of Should and Must.”

For more information on the classes, along with course fees and required materials, visit www.magnoliaartexperience.org.


Helpline seeks food donations

The Queen Anne Helpline relies on community donations to keep its services well-stocked. Late last week, the nonprofit took to Facebook to ask for help filling its emergency food shelves and bags.

Specifically, the Helpline is in need of peanut butter, individually wrapped cracker packets (like Ritz and saltines), individual serving juice boxes and shelf-stable milk boxes, canned vegetables (corn and green beans), pasta sauce, granola bars, and fruit/applesauce cups.

Donations can be dropped off at the Helpline (311 W. McGraw St.) between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, but people are asked to call in advance at (206) 282-1540 to make sure there is someone there to collect it.

For more information on the Helpline, visit www.queenannehelpline.org.


Design meeting for Smith Cove Park on Oct. 6

Community members can get involved in the design process for Smith Cove Park during a public meeting next Thursday night at the Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center (3801 Discovery Park Blvd.).

Seattle Parks and Recreation staff and design consultants from Gustafson Guthrie Nicol will be on hand to take input for the new waterfront park, located just west of Pier 91 at the foot of Magnolia Hill on Elliott Bay. The project will develop the nearly 5-acre easterly waterfront property, along with improving the playfield at Smith Cove Park used for youth sports.

Last year, the Friends of Smith Cove Park received a grant from the city’s Department of Neighborhoods for public outreach and conceptual design on park expansion. Earlier this year, Gustafson Guthrie Nicol was hired as the design consultant, and will use the outreach and concept completed by the community group as the starting point for park design. Amenities may include pathways, landscaping, waterfront access, and a play area, among other improvements. 


Book launch for Magnolia author on Oct. 15

A Magnolia resident will celebrate the release of her first novel with a Magnolia Art Experience event on Oct. 15 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Magnolia Church of Christ (3555 W. McGraw St.).

Rebecca Novelli’s “The Train to Orvieto,” — published through Seattle-based Black Heron Books — will be officially released the day before, but is currently available online and can be ordered through independent book stores.

The book launch event, cosponsored by Metropolitan Market, will include a reading, book signing, music, food, and wine.

Attendance is by invitation, or reservation through email at rebeccajnovelli@comcast.net.