Residents of Bayview Retirement Community give back

For many years, the ecumenical congregation of Bayview residents who attend Vespers worship on Sunday evenings have given annual Chapel Offering Grants nominated and voted by them to benefit local non-profit charities they wish to support. They are called Chapel Offering Grants because the funds are those contributed by the congregation each week to the offering plate during worship.  Given that most of these folk also give to their own home churches and other causes, they raise a remarkable amount of money to give away through the Chapel Fund at Bayview. Generally three-to-foour grants are made each year, usually in the $1,000 range for each grant or about $4,000 given annually. Our beneficiaries for 2016 include Queen Anne Helpline, Elizabeth Gregory Home, the Bayview Manor Foundation, and InvestED.

JAN ANDERSON is the Director of Spiritual Care at Bayview