LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Westlake parking used as park-and-ride

Responding to your article in the Queen Anne & Magnolia News (“Open house to focus design of Westlake bike lanes,” Oct. 8): I am very frustrated with the city and its handling of the Westlake parking issue. I am a kayaker who regularly needs to park for a couple of hours at a time for Northwest Outdoor Center. The last time I kayaked, I had to walk at least half a mile, just to leave my car while I kayaked.

The problem is, the unmetered, free parking area has become a de-facto park-and-ride for people working downtown. This severely affects those who want to use the maritime businesses there. Park-and-ride cars sit there all day in the free parking spaces, while those of us who use the businesses there have to either pay or walk a very long distance to access free parking. This is not right or fair.

Now, the parking is going to be further impacted by the bike lane. Bummer.

Sharon Stroble, Queen Anne