The South Precinct for April 16


Wednesday 4/2, 2:59 p.m.

A patrol officer was traveling north on Rainier Avenue South when he observed a man urinating on the corner near South Mead Street. The officer stopped and contacted the man, age 37, and asked him why he was peeing in public.

"I've been drinking all day, and I'm sorry for doing it," the man said.

The man was noticeably intoxicated. When the officer checked the man's name in the computer, the Seattle Police Department database revealed he had a misdemeanor warrant for disorderly conduct out of King County.

The officer arrested the man for the warrant, and issued him an infraction for urinating in public.


Thursday 4/3, 3:40 a.m.

Officers were dispatched to the 7500 block of Martin Luther King Jr. Way S. to investigate a disturbance between a woman and her ex-boyfriend. At the scene, the officer spoke with the woman, who said her live-in boyfriend were arguing about his needing to move out.

The boyfriend became agitated, slapped her across the face and then dragged her by her hair through the apartment. The officer noticed she had a chunk of hair missing from the left side of her head and a fresh rug-burn on her left elbow.

The boyfriend then stopped dragging her around, held her down, and then used both of his hands to choke her unconscious for several seconds. When he finally released her, she asked him to leave, but he refused. She responded by dialing 911, and he then fled out of the back of the apartment.

She refused to leave a written statement of the events or allow the officer to take photos of her injuries. She told the officer she wanted him to leave and give her back the keys to her place.

The boyfriend was located in the 3800 block of Holly Park Dr. S. He was detained and found to have a felony warrant for a drug charge. He was booked in to the King County Jail for misdemeanor assault and his felony warrant.


Friday 4/4, 8:19 p.m.

After deliberately crossing the street in the middle of the 8600 block of Rainier Ave. S., officers contacted a 20-year-old man who wore dark clothing.

While crossing, officers watched the man linger in the middle of the street, casually walking through traffic and causing motorists to brake. Traffic conditions were heavy, darkness had fallen and it was raining. Officers felt he was deliberately trying to impede traffic.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do?" the man asked the officers after they contacted him. "I'm getting paid!"

While officers were speaking with the man, a crowd began to gather, and as it grew in size, he became verbally aggressive and began to intimidate officers by threatening a lawsuit.

"I'm getting paid for this!" he yelled at the officers. "I already got more money than you, and I'm getting paid again! Add that up b!*&%#$!"

Officers arrested him for pedestrian interference, took him to the South Precinct, cited and then released him.


Saturday 4/5, 8:06 p.m.

The witnesses at a Rainier Avenue South supermarket watched a man, age 58, walk into the store and grab a jumbo can of ICE beer off the shelf. He took the beer into the men's restroom and proceeded to guzzle it down, said a witness, who also saw the man chase the beer with a small bottle of vodka he brought with him.

The store's security detained the man, who was "quite belligerent." The responding Seattle Police Department officer took the man into his patrol car, gave the security officer his handcuffs back, and checked to see if the man had any outstanding warrants, which he didn't. The officer transported the man from the store to a nearby bus shelter so he could take the Metro home.

Assault and robbery

Sunday 4/6, 5:20 p.m.

An officer was dispatched to the 9300 block of 56th Ave. S. where they found a red and maroon Nissan Maxima hanging over the edge of a ravine. The passenger-side door was open, and inside, a woman, age 38, sat there crying, trying to look at the officer, and holding a chunk of her own hair in her right hand.

The officer ran to the vehicle's driver side, reached inside and pulled the emergency brake to keep it from rolling back into the ravine. He then went over to the passenger side and stayed with the woman in a position that would have allowed him to pull her from the car if the vehicle began to teeter and fall while they both waited for Seattle Fire Department personnel to arrive on the scene.

While they waited, the woman kept slipping in and out of consciousness. When the firefighters came, they secured the car and began administering first aid.

According to the woman, she has been married for a few months, and she and her husband got into an argument where she said she didn't want to be with him anymore because of his prior history of domestic violence against her. The couple was driving at the time, and he responded by striking her in the face.

"I'll $#@!%&$ kill you if you leave me," he barked while hitting her.

He then grabbed her by the throat, as they were stopped in the 9300 block of 56th Ave. S., and began to squeeze, making it difficult for her to breathe. She tried to get out of the car, but he grabbed her left wrist and pulled it up to his mouth, biting her forearm.

As she tried to defend herself, the 46-year-old man stopped and got out of the car, but he darted back inside for a moment, grabbing her purse. Shortly afterward, the vehicle rolled backward, jumping the curb and coming to a stop at the edge of the ravine.

The man's blows caused the woman to suffer heavy swelling around both of her eyes and cheekbones. She sustained a laceration above her left eye and right eye, which bled. Additionally, she had bite marks on both of her forearms. Her hair was pulled free while the man held it and hit her.

She was taken to the University of Washington Hospital for treatment, and an unsuccessful search of the area was made for the man. The couple had been staying at a hotel in Tukwila prior to the violent episode, and she noted that her violent husband has many friends in the area. She asked the officers to impound the vehicle so he couldn't access it, which they did.


Monday 4/7, 5 p.m.

A woman, age 45, left her home in the 7000 block of 32nd Ave. S. in the early evening to go out and returned at 11:30 p.m. to find a downstairs interior door that's supposed to be locked standing open. She found that both the upstairs and downstairs had been burglarized.

She told the investigating officer that someone had removed the screen on an unlocked downstairs bedroom window and then forced the window open. Once inside, the burglars ransacked the whole house.

She immediately found her family's 32-inch LCD television, their 8mm video camera a $250 black leather purse containing $250 in cash, and a brown leather purse missing.

The burglars left the home through the downstairs door that leads into the backyard. Once outside, the burglars removed two boards from the fence to reach the paved driveway and get away.

The husband, age 42, told the officer that he had seen an unfamiliar man hanging around the area for a couple of days as well as an unfamiliar Ford truck. He had the license plate number of the truck, but the officer could find no record of it in the Washington Department of Licensing database.[[In-content Ad]]