Teen found with drugs and handgun

The following incident records from the Seattle Police Department's South Precinct present the officer's accounts: Burglary

Wednesday 3/12, 8:30 a.m.

A woman living in the 3300 block of 21st Ave. S. left her home for two hours in the morning. When she returned at 10:30 a.m. she discovered that someone had kicked open the front door.

The blow shattered the doorframe and scattered broken glass across the floor. At her son's door, the burglar had also kicked in the door, splintering the frame. The woman's son told the investigating officer several pairs of his tennis shoes, some clothing and about $500 in cash were stolen from his room.

The woman noted that her purse, which was sitting out in plain sight, was not touched. Her son added that the flat screen television and his computer were not taken, either.

The officer submitted a shoebox that had been taken out of the teenager's closet by the burglar and submitted it to evidence for latent fingerprint processing.

Stolen property

Thursday 3/13, 3:45 p.m.

Officers were dispatched to a report of a man yelling and swinging a shirt around in the middle of the 4200 block of S. Willow St. On the scene, the officers located the 53-year-old man staggering around in the street. The officers felt the man was high on some kind of drug, for he didn't have any control over his body movements.

When officers contacted the man, he told them he had been smoking crack cocaine. Around this time the complainant who originally spotted the erratically behaving man approached the officers and said the suspect had parked a Nissan SUV nearby on the street. An officer located the vehicle, checked its plates, and discovered the car had been stolen. A witness confirmed that the suspect, who was now in police custody in the back seat of a patrol vehicle, was the same person she saw parking the car and then staggering away from it.

The suspect was taken to the South Precinct, where Seattle Fire Department personnel arrived to evaluate his medical condition. They called an ambulance to take the man to Harborview Medical Center for further treatment.

The SUV was impounded and a charge of possession of stolen property was levied against the man.

Weapon and drugs

Saturday 3/15, 1:46 p.m.

While driving north on Rainier Avenue South nearing the intersection of South McClellan Street, a patrol officer noticed a man urinating in public on the south side of a nearby gas station. The officer watched the suspect finish and then return to a white car parked in front of a gas pump where another young man was sitting in the front passenger seat.

As the man entered the vehicle, the officer recognized the suspect from a previous gang-related shooting and from other incidents in the Rainier Valley area. The officer also noted that the suspect had confessed that he was a gang member during a recent shooting incident in which he was the intended target.

The officer activated his patrol car's emergency lights and approached the vehicle from the passenger side to contact the suspect for urinating in public. When the officer neared the vehicle, he smelled the strong odor of burnt marijuana emanating from the open passenger window, and he asked the suspect (sitting in the right-rear passenger seat) if there was any marijuana inside the car.

"I'm not going to lie to you officer," the suspect said. "I have a blunt right here."

The suspect then reached into his lap and handed the officer a single marijuana-stuffed cigar, which later weighed in at 1.5 grams. The officer told both of the suspects in the car that they were under arrest for possession of marijuana, and he called for more officers to help.

When the officer's backup arrived, the suspects, both age 19, were removed from the vehicle and handcuffed without incident. While searching the suspect who was seen peeing on the gas station, officers recovered a wad of cash from his left-front pocket that totaled $1,260. The officer noted the money appeared to be consistent with the amounts street drug dealers typically carry with them.

Another officer who was searching the vehicle found a loaded 9mm Steyer pistol wrapped in a purple bandana, a color the officers noted the suspect's gang uses as an identifier. The pistol was hidden just underneath the front passenger seat, and the serial number located on the underside of the gun's muzzle appeared to have been intentionally scratched out.

A criminal history check on the front-passenger revealed he was arrested in 2006 for possession of a firearm. The officer added that since the man is 19-years-old, he is ineligible to possess a pistol.

The officers also discovered a small plastic bag holding two suspicious pills. They later tested positive for ecstasy.

During the search two young women approached the officers, ages 18 and 19, and one of them identified herself as the driver and owner of the car. She gave the officers consent to search the locked trunk, but no more illicit drug contraband or weapons were found.

The women were released from the scene in their car, and the suspects were arrested for drug and weapons violations. On the way to the South Precinct, one of the suspects confessed that he had a small amount of marijuana hidden in his right sock. The recovered marijuana weighed about 1.1 grams.

Auto recovery

Monday 3/17, 1:25 a.m.

While driving along the 9000 block of Renton Ave. S., an officer checked the license plate of a Subaru Legacy he was following. The vehicle was reported as stolen, and the officer followed it as it turned west onto South Barton Street.

Activating the patrol car's emergency lights, the officer pulled the car over in the 4900 block of S. Barton St. The driver of the car, a 41-year-old woman, quickly exited the car and attempted to walk away. However, the officer asked her to come over to the patrol car, which she did. When the officer's backup arrived, the woman, and her 49-year-old female passenger, were placed into custody.

According to the driver, she was at the Lake Washington Apartments in the 9000 block of Seward Park Ave. S. when she was approached by four men in their 20s. They asked her if she wanted to rent a car. She agreed and paid them with $50 worth of crack cocaine. The woman said she did not know the car was stolen.

A records check on the passenger revealed she had four warrants for her arrest, including a felony drug charge and a misdemeanor assault charge.

Both women were booked into the King County Jail.Burglary


Tuesday 3/18, 1:05 p.m.

A boy, age 17, was at his home in the 5200 block of 20th Ave. S. when he heard a knock on the front door. Looking through the peephole, the boy didn't recognize who the two teenagers were so he didn't open the door.

A few minutes went by and the boy heard someone pounding on the back door and trying to get inside. He then heard someone in the basement, and the boy dialed 911.

The police arrived a short time later and checked the home and area for the two suspects, but did not find them. They did locate the spot where the would-be burglars gained entry into the home, a 6-inch by 6-inch broken basement window.

The boy called his father while the police were there. After checking in, the father told his son he would be home later in the day.[[In-content Ad]]