Police Blotter 8/18

Garage Burglary
Police responded to a burglary call made at 10:05 a.m. on Aug. 3 about a gate that had been pried open at a garage located in the 1100 block of Harrison Street. The complainant told police he believed the burglary had occurred sometime between 1:20 a.m. and 1:50 a.m. on the morning of Aug. 3.
Upon inspection police determined that the unknown suspect had used an unknown tool to pry the brackets of the gate open on the west side of the garage. The suspect entered the garage by pulling back the fencing.
Stolen from inside the garage was a bicycle that had been hanging from ceiling hooks and some tools.
The complainant was able to show police surveillance video of the suspect entering the garage wearing a black and white jacket and a red bandana. The suspect is seen leaving the garage without the jacket and wearing a dark backpack. He is last seen riding southbound in the alley on the stolen bicycle.
Responding officers checked for fingerprints but were unsuccessful.

Burglar Under Stairs
At 9:31 p.m. on Aug. 5 police responded to a burglary report in which the victims had come home and found the suspect under the stairs leading to the front door. The responding officer met the victims outside, across the street from their house.
The victims told police they had arrived home to their house located in the 3600 block of 23rd Avenue West at 9:35 p.m. As they arrived home the first victim went up the stairs to the front door and the second victim was behind her a ways when the suspect came out from under the stairs. According to the victims the suspect said, "I'm not gonna hurt you, just let me go."
The suspect then walked away northbound on 23rd Avenue West. The victims took the responding officer into the house. He checked the interior of the house and found it was clear of any other suspects. There was no obvious point of entry. The victims then came into the house and checked to see if anything was missing. One of the victims discovered that her work laptop had been taken from her room. That was the only item that was determined to be missing from the house.
The officer and the victims then checked the house to see if they could find the point of entry. It was narrowed down to the kitchen window or one of the victims' bedroom windows, both of which had been left open.
Upon inspection the officer determined the suspect must have entered through the bedroom window, as there were no fingerprints on the kitchen window. Also, there items on the ledge of the window and the kitchen counter that would have been knocked over had somebody entered through it. The bedroom window, however, had smudge marks on it. The officer attempted to get some prints from this window.
The officer requested backup for an area search for the suspect, but this was unsuccessful. The victims all decided to go to friends' or families' homes for the night. It appeared to the officer that the victim bedroom was the only room in the house that the suspect had been in because there were electronic items all over the house that he could have taken.

Assault at Sea
A Queen Anne woman called police on Aug. 5 at 3:38 p.m. to report she had been assaulted.
The incident had taken place on Lake Washington. The assailant's weapon of choice: a squirt gun.
Police responded to the woman's residence. She told them the story.
At 2:30 p.m. that day she had been kayaking on Lake Washington when a purple speed boat came past. A man with a large tattoo on his back sprayed water her in the face with the squirt gun. He then shouted, "Welcome to Seafair!"
The woman was not injured. Nor will she be seeking medical attention.
The boat then sped past her kayak, heading westbound through the cut.
The women alerted Harbor personnel before calling police.

Menace Times Two
A woman called police at 5:28 p.m. on Aug. 7 to report her neighbor boys had been shooting a gun at her upper Queen Anne house.
Upon arrival to the scene police spoke with the victim who said she had been sitting in her upstairs den when she heard five or six impacts on her north-facing window.
She saw the window crack and realized that someone was shooting something at her.
When she looked out her window she saw the neighbor boys standing in their upstairs bedroom window holding a pistol. She pointed out the window in the house across the street.
The boys who live at this house are well known to the residents of the neighborhood as well as to Officer Jon Girtch, who was one of the responding officers, because of previous delinquent behavior.
The victim told police that when she saw the two boys standing in the window, one had dark hair and one was blonde. The one with blonde hair was holding the pistol.
The officers inspected the victim's window, and found an impact break. The projectile did not appear to have broken all the way through the window, leading them to believe it was a pellet or BB gun.
The responding officers then knocked on the door of the suspects' house and were able to speak with the father of the boys. When the father was informed of what had happened, he said he had not been aware and offered to bring the boys downstairs.
He returned shortly with the two suspects and a Daisy pellet gun, which is a glock-shaped pistol.
The boys identified themselves and admitted to shooting the gun out the window. The suspect with brown hair admitted to shooting the gun "maybe twice" at the victim's roof.
The blonde suspect denied shooting the gun, but said he had been present when it was being shot. However, the victim specifically said she had seen the blonde boy holding the gun. Also, the victim had been very clear, and it had been apparent to the officers, that it was her windows that the boys had been shooting at.
A routine records check found that one of the boys is listed as a suspect in a previous property damage report.
The boys' father asked police for the victim's contact information so he could attempt to make amends and pay for any damages to her house. After consulting with the victim, the police complied in providing him with this information.
At the time the police report was filed the monetary amount of damage done to the house was not known. At least one pane of glass was broken in the den window. Police were unable to perform an inspection of the rest of the exterior of her house.
Officer Girtch confiscated the boys' pellet gun and placed it into evidence. He also requested charges of property destruction to be brought against the boys.[[In-content Ad]]