Mike Schaefer’s employees and family members from Soaring Heart Natural Bed Co. (101 Nickerson St., No. 400) spent a Friday morning helping Hutch School students make 80 natural-fill pillows for cancer patients and their families. The project was part of the Sept. 21 United Way Day of Caring.
After introductions at the Hutch School (students are cancer patients and/or family members of patients), the volunteers and about 30 kids teamed up to stuff hand-sewn pillowcases with shredded natural latex. All were donated.
Each child chose a favorite pillow to keep, then donated the rest to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance’s (SCCA) Pete Gross House and SCCA House for use in apartments of patients undergoing treatment.
The Hutch School is a fully accredited, K-12 school that serves cancer patients and family members. It is sponsored by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and Seattle Public Schools.