LAND USE | July 3, 2013

The following information was provided by the city’s Department of Planning and Development.

Appeals are made to the Office of the Hearing Examiner, Seattle Municipal Tower, 40th Floor (SMT-40-00), 700 Fifth Ave., Suite 4000, Seattle, WA 98104. Appeals must be accompanied by a $50 filing fee in a check payable to the City of Seattle.

The project number is in parentheses. For more information, call 684-8467. 

Permit decisions

2808 14TH AVE. W. (3014065) on a Land Use Application to allow two three-story, two-unit townhouse structures (four units total) in an environmentally critical area. Surface parking for four vehicles will be provided on the site. Existing structure to be demolished. The following appealable decision has been made based on submitted plans: Determination of Non-Significance (no Environmental Impact Statement required). Environmental review completed, and no conditions imposed. This DNS is issued using the optional DNS process in WAC 197.11.355 and SMC 25.05.355. The comment period was originally published on Feb. 14, 2013, and there is no further comment period on this DNS. The appeal hearing must receive appeals of this decision no later than July 11.

Appeal hearings

717 THIRD AVE. N. (3012432) on a Land Use Application to allow a three-story, 20-unit, residential structure in an environmentally critical area. Parking for 11 vehicles will be located partially below-grade. Existing structure to be demolished. The following decisions have been appealed: Design Review conditionally granted (Reference Seattle Municipal Code 23.41); Determination of Non-Significance with conditions (no Environmental Impact Statement required). Environmental review completed and project conditioned as applicable. This DNS is issued using the optional DNS process in WAC 197.11.355 and SMC 25.05.355. The comment period was originally published on Sept. 27, 2012, and there is no further comment period on this DNS (Reference Seattle Municipal Code 25.05.660). The appeal hearing will take place Sept. 9 at 9 a.m.


Public hearing

Every year, the Seattle City Council considers amendments to the city’s Comprehensive Plan. Each spring, the council invites proposed amendments from the public and from city departments. In the summer, the Council adopts a policy docket that lists which of these proposed amendments it will consider for adoption the next year.

The council has received nine proposed amendments this year and intends to decide in July which of these it will consider for adoption in 2014. To assist in this decision, the council will hold a public hearing on the proposed amendments. The council will hold another public hearing next spring before it decides whether to adopt any of the proposed amendments. The proposed amendments include:

•Ballard/Interbay — Amend the Future Land Use Map for an area west of 16th Avenue West, east of the railroad tracks and north of West Dravus Street to remove it from the Ballard/Interbay MIC and change the designation from Industrial to Mixed-Use Commercial.

•Interbay Armory — Amend the Future Land Use Map for property south of Armory Way and west of 15th Avenue West to remove it from Ballard/Interbay MIC and change the designation from Industrial to Mixed Use Commercial.

The City Council’s Planning, Land Use and Sustainability Committee will hold a public hearing to take comments on the proposed Comprehensive Plan policy docket on July 11, 2013, at 5:30 p.m., in Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall, 600 Fourth Ave. Entrances to City Hall are on the west side of Fifth Avenue and the east side of Fourth Avenue, between James and Cherry Streets. For those who wish to testify, sign-up sheets will be available outside the auditorium at 5 p.m. on the day of the hearing.

Written comments on the proposal are accepted through 5 p.m. on July 11, 2013, via Sara Nelson at (206) 684-5337 or, or to Seattle City Councilmember Richard Conlin, Legislative Department, 600 Fourth Ave., Floor 2, P.O. Box 34025, Seattle, WA 98124-4025; or via e-mail to

Copies of the proposed legislation, further details about the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments and the Seattle Planning Commission and the Seattle Department of Planning & Development recommendations on the proposed amendments are available on the council’s website at and also at the City Clerk’s Office, which is on the third floor of City Hall, 600 Fourth Ave.

Questions regarding the proposed amendments may be directed to Rebecca Herzfeld at (206) 684-8148 or via e-mail at; or Eric McConaghy at (206) 615-0393 or via e-mail at

For other information about the Comprehensive Plan, see the website of the Department of Planning & Development at:

You can also contact Tom Hauger at (206) 684-8380 or; or Kristian Kofoed at (206) 233-7191 or for more information about the Comprehensive Plan.


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