Juanita Elementary celebrates grand opening of new school

Many thanks to all of you for your help in what turned out to be a wonderful event... our grand opening took place on September 22.

The office staff provided parking protection, hosted "memory lane" and much more.

The custodians and students put up chairs and set up the event.

Mrs. Joseph hosted a book fair that was a success. Many people staffed the doughnut machine and picture booth provide by Robin Smith.

Mrs. Gildersleeve and others helped out in many ways.

The teachers pitched in as well as hosts, decorators and other duties.

Mrs. Pendergrass provided the displays of the history of Juanita.

Mrs. Malloy took pictures.

Mrs. Droz enlisted grades 3, 5 and 6 as singers.

Lastly, our good neighbor, Dan Eichner of Albertsons hosted a barbecue.

I really thank all of you. Many IA's helped out wherever needed. The district's superintendent, Don Saul and Dan Phalen, head of the Juanita Learning Community, came along with other district employees. The list of helpers could go on and on. I hope I didn't miss any.

Mr. Omar Peavey and other folks who remember times gone by came. Mr. Peavey, who opened the now torn down building in 1950, told me that the principal before him used to have an annual day where kids rode their horses to school and tied them up in what is now Albertson's parking lot. Albertson's has a long history of being a good neighbor to Juanita.

Thanks again to all of you!

Paul Luczak is the principal at Juanita Elementary School.

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