Business: cards

The BOC Co is a new class at Queen Anne's Secondary Bilingual Orientation Center. Students have created and are running their own company to make and sell beautiful art cards designed by fellow students. Using a program designed by Junior Achievement, the class is learning English while creating an effective sales organization. The colorful cards, which treat many subjects, all were created in art class at SBOC.

They can be purchased at the Sunday Fremont Market on May 6 and 20 and June 3, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The BOC Co cards are also for sale at the school, 411 Boston St., weekdays between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. or by calling 252-2229. You can also buy them at the SBOC Chess Fest on June 16.

Future plans are to sell handicrafts from the students' respective countries. All proceeds go to the SBOC scholarship fund for needy SBOC graduates to start their own small businesses.

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