The new 5 Corners Mini Mart in Queen Anne at the northeast corner of Third and McGraw streets, caused an outcry among local residents last week when its window signs read "discount cigarettes, beer and wine." Yet even with a change in signage and other compromises made by the store owner, some neighbors maintain their stance against the store's opening.
Before the Queen Anne Community Council turned into a platform for a heated discussion on whether a mini-mart selling cigarettes and alcohol should open at Third and McGraw streets, the council touched on sustainability, the Mercer Corridor project and Seattle Pacific's plans for a new music auditorium.
As the plane touches the runway in Taipei City, Taiwan's most populated region, Brett Boynton is greeted with warm, humid air and a sea-salty breeze. Within minutes he is out in the bustling streets flooded with Chinese-speaking vendors. The island of Taiwan, located off the southeastern coast of China, is known for its steep mountains and lush forests. However, Boynton is not there solely for the scenery; what he has come looking for is small enough to fit in the palm of his hand.
Rowdy Bar AttendeesPolice were called to a restaurant located in the 600 block of Queen Anne Avenue North at 9:43 p.m. on Feb. 20 to follow up on an assault that occurred at 5:30 p.m. that evening. Police had previously responded to the scene, but the victim did not initially want to file a police report. After returning from the hospital the victim changed his mind.
Since 1927, there have been hauntings at a particular mansion in Washington state. A subsequent owner of the property had heard the sounds of a noisy cocktail party and people walking and dancing across the floor. Ghosts have been seen coming out of the walls of the ancient, grand stairwell. What is the name of this place?
After a six-month hiatus, Sustainable Queen Anne is again working on green goals.
For anyone who has visited Seattle Repertory Theatre recently, they can attest to the jumble of construction that confuses and obstructs their typical path to the entrance. Luckily for those confused patrons, the Theatre Commons project is on time with its construction.
Health is complicated. At least that's what they tell you at grad school when you are studying to be a health care professional. What makes us sick? Is it genetics? Environmental toxins? Stress? What's the epidemiology of pathophysiology? Pathophysi- what?!!
Building BurglaryThe manager of a business located in the 200 block of Terry Avenue North called 911 at 5:30 p.m. on March 7 to report his business had been broken into.
Seattle Public Schools open enrollment for the 2010-11 school year continues through Wednesday, March 31. During open enrollment, families may register their child to enter SPS in fall 2010 and/or apply for a school other than their assigned school.
OK, it's not actually summer. It's spring. But the annual tradition has returned to Magnolia with boys and girls of all ages ready to play ball.
The Council of the Great City Schools has started a scholarship program exclusively for Great City School graduating seniors who plan to pursue postsecondary education in the STEM fields.
Last week, Queen Anne resident Betty Tisdale, went to Fort Benning, Ga. for a reunion of orphans from the An Lac orphanage in Vietnam.In 1975, Tisdale organized the evacuation of 210 children from the orphanage when Saigon fell to the communists during the Vietnam War. The orphans were evacuated to Fort Benning, where Tisdale arranged for their adoption to parents around the country.
Each year the parent/teacher association (PTA) at Lawton Elementary School in Magnolia funds the after-school homework club, a tutoring program that helps dozens of students who need it. But demand has outpaced supply, threatening the quality of the program.
Today, we're going to talk about rabbits. (Don't worry, I'm not going to launch into a long tale about Volkswagens; I won't bore you with another car story.)I'm talking about little bunnies. You know, those little bundles of fur that hop to and fro and have long ears.