After ranking among the most expensive states to raise a child, Washington wants to cut costs for parents, but one plan would put nearly $730 million at risk amid a massive revenue shortfall.
A major opponent of a voter-approved social housing payroll tax in Seattle says it’s time to regroup on how to solve the city’s housing crisis.
While recognized as a delicacy around the world, state lawmakers may advance a proposal Wednesday to outlaw foie gras and the practice of “force-feeding” across Washington.
Seattle is one step closer to ending a federal consent decree after the city council approved updated guidelines for the police department’s crowd management policies.
What can you tell me about the IRS income tax filing requirements for retirees this tax season? My earned income stopped when I retired last March, so I’m wondering if I need to file a tax return this year.
The Seattle Public Library, United Way of King County (UWKC) and AARP are collaborating to offer free, in-person tax preparation service through mid-April at 12 Library A Tax help volunteer helping someone at the Central Library locations. The library is offering free drop-in tax help with UWKC at two locations and with AARP at 10 more locations.
Seattle voters are showing strong support for a new tax on big businesses that would fund the city’s Social Housing Developer, according to initial results from Tuesday’s special election.
King County Executive Dow Constantine announced earlier this week one of the largest levy proposals in county history to fund public parks projects and operations. The levy would run from 2026 through 2031 and generate an estimated $1.5 billion.
So far, federal funding remains intact for a major project to remove four fish barriers within the Olympic Peninsula. The project will remove and replace three outdated culverts under U.S. 101 in the Port Angeles area and one along State Route 116 in Port Hadlock-Irondale.
French cuisine is known for many things, including dessert. Those who want to emulate their favorite French chefs for a loved one this Valentine's Day should consider the following recipe for “Clafoutis,” a French baked custard, from Elisabeth M. Prueitt and Chad Robertson’s “Tartine” (Chronicle Books).
Pierce County’s new centralized shelter hub has taken in over 60 homeless people per night less than a month after opening.
A bill “protecting consumer choice by creating a fairer marketplace for auto sales” could, if passed, threaten Tesla’s direct-to-consumer model and cause the electric vehicle automaker to close its service centers in Washington state.
State lawmakers are forwarding a bill that would change how medical debt impacts Washingtonians' credit scores.
Bayview’s mission in a nutshell, transforming the experience of aging to deliver life’s potential, continues to guide us even as the landscape of senior living is undergoing a profound transformation.
Can you offer me any tips on choosing and using a home blood pressure monitor? I just found out I have high blood pressure and my doctor recommended I get a home monitor so I can keep tabs on it.
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