KCLS launches seven new library card designs from local artists


King County Library System patrons can get a brand new library card featuring one of seven new designs from local artists at their local community library. The new cards were designed by seven artists from a wide array of backgrounds and styles, and will be available at KCLS’s 50 community library locations.

“A library card opens the door to everything KCLS has to offer, and I’m excited to have these new designs that reflect the community we serve, and spark inspiration for our patrons,” said Heidi Daniel, Executive Director. “From beautiful tile work, to an inspiring oil painting, the iconic Pacific Northwest salmon, and even a curious Sasquatch, we hope every patron can find a card they love.”

The seven new designs feature different scenes evocative of the Pacific Northwest and the King County region. Bethany Fackrell’s Salish salmon honor the iconic and endemic fish species. barry johnson’s oil painting presents a world of wonder with a young reader. Stevie Shao’s northwest seabirds capture the wild spirit of the coastal areas. 

Marisol Ortega’s tessellation tiles showcase inspiration from her Mexican-American background. Stacy Nguyen’s car-camping dogs bring a fun twist on a northwest tradition. Hernan Paganini’s colorful cuts share the feeling of exploring an unknown world. And Don Clark’s curious creature – the Pacific Northwest Sasquatch - is sharing its favorite book with a feathered friend. 

What the artists are saying:

“The library played such a critical role in my life being able to grow up. So to be able to look at that young boy growing up in that book, and then later on, be able to make that artwork that I get to share with other people is such an amazing feeling,” said Barry Johnson.

“It's really exciting to know that this library card is going to be passed down from another generation to maybe even another generation. And it really fills my heart. The library gave a lot to me when I was growing up, and then I'm giving back, and it's just it's a beautiful relationship,” said Bethany Fackrell.

“The library as a kid, for me, was special. Growing up, we didn't have a lot of means, and so being able to go to the library was a magical place. It was free. It was a special getaway where my imagination could run wild. It's an honor to have my art on a library card, just to know that kids are going to have this in their wallet,” said Don Clark of Invisible Creature. 

“This library card just means a lot to me. I grew up not having a computer at home, so books were my life. I learned to read, and it was sort of my escapism too, from like art, and so I had a library card since I was little, I would make my parents take the library every day. And now that I have a family, my kids go to the library all the time, and we're really avid book readers, and it's really nice to give back to the community and know that everyone can kind of take a little piece of me around in their pocket,” said Marisol Ortega.

Art doesn't just have to be on a wall and frame. It can be something that you kind of carry with you in your bag, in your purse. Every day. Feels like full circle for me, because when I was younger, I've always wanted a library card. I didn't necessarily get to have one because my mom was afraid that I would lose it, so today as an adult, being able to actually have my artwork on a library card is just like mind blowing,” said Stacy Ngueyn.

“I'm excited to be a part of this new rollout of library cards. I grew up going to the library, participating in the Summer Reading Program, and in high school would kill time at the library, just reading magazines and looking through books. So I'm really excited to be part of the library's legacy and contribute to art that’s part of every day,” said Stevie Shao. 

“The book, to me, was always a landscape to explore unknown universes, so I tried to hold that emotion in my heart as a trigger whisper for this project. The library was always a place to disappear into other dimensions, like a womb. I can go there, be protected, nourish myself, and my aura can expand to the infinite endless possibilities of my own existence,” said Hernan Paganini.