Letter to the editor: Have your voice heard

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

After reading TJ Martinell’s article, “Ferguson, Hobbs agree to settlement voiding original Washington Constitution voter rule,” which details the recent removal of the 30-day residence requirement for Washington voters, I felt excited for the prospect of more Washingtonians having their voices heard this upcoming election year. Following the presidential debate on June 27 and the severe SCOTUS rulings from the past couple weeks, I lately find myself motivated to make my opinions more known to my representatives in Congress, in hopes that the government will actually do something about them. Especially concerning foreign policies and addressing the need for a ceasefire in Gaza, I do not feel confident that our government understands the urgency that many voters may be experiencing in promoting representatives that reflect our values and opinions. With the removal of the residency requirement this year, I hope that our state can gain representatives that truly advocate for us when more Washingtonians are able to place their votes. If anyone in my community does not want to wait till elections to have your ideas heard, I also want to take this opportunity to shout out The Borgen Project — a non-profit organization based in Tacoma working to eradicate global poverty — which has an action center on their website where you can email and call your current representatives to advocate for the policies you want, no 30-day residence required.

Hailey Alt