MHS announces Book IV in ‘Memories’ series


The Magnolia Historical Society (MHS) needs you.

Magnolia Historical Society (MHS), a 501c3 non-profit working on local history for nearly 25 years, is announcing BOOK IV: MAGNOLIA: MORE Memories & Milestones, due in October.

We are looking for new topics, willing writers/researchers and new board members to help us make this collection our best ever. We also have a list from which you can choose a topic that interests you. This will be a dedicated online, continually growing collection of Magnolia history written by Magnolians, the fourth in a series of award-winning/nominated books.

This project is part of our ongoing MHS mission:

• Initiate interest in Magnolia history protecting it for future generations.

• Inspire the Magnolia community to help us gather acquisitions for our photo and document archives at UW Special Collections.

• Invest in community historical research and writing of Magnolia history that facilitates historic projects and events.

• Encourage a more accurate “sense of place” through our work preserving the stories and images of Magnolia.

This new online book will be formally launched in mid-October.


The publication follows a nearly quarter-century tradition of history telling by Magnolians, present and past residents/workers of the neighborhood. This newly designed ongoing, online collection will serve as the place Magnolians can still bring to life their first-person narratives, the eras they lived through, memories of the neighborhood they love, and the milestones—people, places, and things of Magnolia.

The print books MAGNOLIA: Memories & Milestones, MAGNOLIA: Making More Memories, and MAGNOLIA: Midcentury Memories will be available in Kindle editions, also launching in the fall.

Included in the new collection so far: the history of the historically landmarked Fire Station 41, Bernie Whitebear; Wunda, Wunda, Magnolia’s Ruth Prins; the 30-year history of the Magnolia Chorale; how Magnolia got its street names; unbuilt Magnolia; Daybreak Star; new memoirs of growing up on Magnolia and new revelations of or additions relating to some of the older history covered in the previous three books.

As usual, peer editors and "how to write" history educational materials are still part of the unique process that has helped make the experience rewarding for writers and award-winning.


To volunteer, give us ideas/memorabilia or get more info, contact us at

Monica Wooton is a consultant to Magnolia Historical Society (MHS)