The Productivity Board, a state employee incentive program of the Office of the Secretary of State, presented its Teamwork Incentive Program award to the “LCB Pathfinders,” composed of employees from the Liquor Control Board and the Office of Administrative Hearings. The group was in Olympia last week to receive the ceremonial check from Secretary Hobbs in his office at the Legislative Building.
The team’s money-saving suggestion streamlines digitizing and accessing records between agencies. It also improves efficiency by minimizing document handling and reducing supply and storage needs. The suggestion has saved more than $44,000 in its first year, with more long-term savings expected.
LCB Pathfinders team members include the Liquor Control Board’s Kyle Arvila, Tinaya Smith, Richard O’Grady, Gerard Scheeler, and the Office of Administrative Hearings’ Beatrice Lupardus. Also pictured below are agency leaders RaShelle Davis, Chief Administrative Law Judge, OAH, Will Lukela, Director of LCB, Productivity Board employees Benjamin Kirkland, David Junius, Greg Mennegar, and Secretary Hobbs.
“Getting to shake hands today with some of the folks who submitted an amazing idea to save the state money was a real treat,” Secretary of State Steve Hobbs said. “We would love for more Washington employees to offer proposals to the Productivity Board so we can continue to innovate the state.”
The Productivity Board encourages all state employees to help save taxpayer money by offering up to $10,000 for a successful employee proposal to increase government efficiency. First created by the Legislature in 1982 and reinstated in 2023, the Productivity Board has saved the state millions of dollars. Several awards were approved by the board on Dec. 2, but more ideas are needed to continue to generate revenue and improve government efficiency.
More information, or to submit ideas, go to