Letter to the editor: Issue of Fort Lawton land not simple

How I wish this were still not an issue. However, in reply to Ms. Santucci's letter published in the May 17 issue of the newspaper, I want to correct her statement saying the city has owned the Fort Lawton property at Discovery Park since 2012. This is incorrect. The U.S. Army still owns this land, even though it has been designated for disposal since 2005 as a part of the Base Realignment and Closure plan.

As part of this process, for any BRAC property disposition, HUD is the designated federal agency for review of applications for surplus property, which must consist of both a redevelopment plan and a homeless assistance submission.

The city's redevelopment plan is now at HUD. Since the plan has been there for some time, today I wrote to Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal in hopes that her office can find out the status at HUD and perhaps assist in the plan's approval.

I know some say that this location is not convenient for people. Perhaps those people are not aware that Metro Route 33 is a current transportation source for this location, one which Metro could enhance as needed.

Finally, while, in law, Congress has decided that the priority use for disposed land supports low income housing, that does not mean that the U.S. Army can just throw up its hands given the many delays and just sell this 34 acres to the highest bidder.

— Martha Tofferi
