Disaster comedy ‘Titanish’ sails into Green Lake

Kooper Campbell and Justine Stillwell.

Kooper Campbell and Justine Stillwell.
Truman Buffett

This weekend, the unsinkable parody “Titanish” crashes onto the shores of Green Lake.

Back by popular demand, this disaster comedy, directed by Queen Anne's Mark Siano, was the 2022 Winner of Broadway World's Best New Musical.

Siano is a founding member of The Habit comedy troupe and also helped create the best-selling “A Very Die Hard Christmas.” He will be on hand to serve drinks and cater to the first-class ticket holders.

Performances begin Aug.10 at Green Lake's Bathhouse Theater (7312 West Green Lake Dr N) and continue through Sept. 17.

Tickets range from limited $10 Stern Boarding Passes all the way up to exclusive $100 First Class Deck Chairs with drink service and can be purchased at SeattlePublicTheater.org.