Marine shore property owners invited to workshop

King Conservation District is hosting a series of education workshops for marine shoreline property owners to learn about ways to manage their slopes to protect their homes as well as the nearshore habitat.

The first will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at 34th Avenue West and West Barret Street in Magnolia. Visit to register and for more information.

The free workshop includes a class and beach walk developed for property owners along the marine shorelines of King County. The morning class session will provide participants with an opportunity to learn about the ecological, geological and vegetation management issues associated with owning property. After lunch participants will head to the beach to see the principles talked about in action. Hear presentations from local experts and see examples of all topics discussed during the beach walk portion of the day.

Topics include:

• Geologic History of Puget Sound Shorelines

• Coastal Bluff Processes, Beach Formation and Longshore Drift

• Unique fish and wildlife species of the Puget Sound

• Alternatives to bulkheads and armoring

• Managing trees and shrubs for views

• Utilizing plants to manage water, stabilize slopes, and create wildlife habitat on your property.

• Landscaping practices that improve or weaken slope stability.

• Invasive weed control and native plant selection