Scouts turn out and shout

Amid echoing chatter and paper airplanes zipping through the air, the thumping of drums and repetitive chanting from the boys in blue and yellow signaled the start of the Boy Scouts spring round-up.

During the open house yesterday, current cub scouts and parent leaders of Pack 70 and Pack 72 encouraged others to sign up by sharing their positive experiences with prospective Scouts and Scout parents.

Assistant Cub Master of Pact 70 and 72, Dan Holmquist, said the turnout was great, with at least 20 potential recruits at the tiger level-the first Cub-Scout level-alone.

"I'm excited about bringing more boys in to have fun, fun that has purpose. That's the whole point of Boy Scouts," Holmquist said.

But returning Scouts, and parent leaders weren't the only ones buzzing with excitement last night.

One of the parents buzzing around the tables last night was Penelope Watson, whose son she plans to enroll in the tiger level for this year.

"I'm doing this because my son came home and said 'I'll do anything if you let me do Boy Scouts, Mom' and I asked him why, and he quickly said 'Because they get to do so many fun things,'" Watson said.

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