Progress on Queen Anne ballfield No. 3

Editorial 8/26

It's good to see progress finally begin on Queen Anne's ballfield No. 3, especially considering undue delays almost put the much-needed repairs off Parks and Recreation's to-do list.

Had Parks not had the wherewithal to move forward with the leveling and improved fencing of right field, Bellevue-based contractor Foushee and Associates Inc., would have rescinded the $50,000 in time and supplies it was donating toward the project. Those kinds of gifts rarely come twice and Foushee should be commended for its patience.

Former Queen Anne Little League president Pete Livengood was correct in saying that the ballfield was a ballfield first and as such, safety of those who use it the most, the players, should take precedent. All too often in projects such as this one and civic projects throughout Seattle, the sometimes far-reaching concerns of the few sideline those of the majority causing windows of opportunity to close, sometimes forever.[[In-content Ad]]