Remarkable, for a nation in recession, the hundreds of millions of
dollars wasted from all candidates whether republicans or democrats in
this election cycle. Even more remarkable, is the fact that all of
them advocate for the little man, the middle class, yada yada yada.
And for jobs, of course. Not to mention the small business tax breaks,
the healthcare and much more BS too thick to step a foot in it. That
being said, I found myself ill to my stomach and seriously grasping
for fresh air by the sheer audacity in the political ads of senator
Patty Murray, that more or less proclaim the second coming of Mother
Theresa. It's true, for all her substandard career that the senate
garnered in her 18 years in Washington DC, that she has done this,
done that, saved Boeing, built churches, built schools, exhibited
monumental proportions of integrity, she claimed, and of course never
took any soft money. But according to her, Dino Rossi did. Personally
I do not know Mr. Rossi, never met the man, and have no opinion as to
his ability to perform at the senate level or as to his ethics and
voting desires simply, because he never held a federal level office
and therefore, he has no track record. On the other hand, we all know
in this state, more or less, with accuracy, I might add, where Senator
Patty Murray stands and how she voted in major issues, over and over.
Also, as a matter of fact, it is well known who has repeatedly
bankrolled the senators' campaigns, giving them access of total
proportions to influence the senators' voting; the "coumbas" in the
labor unions such as your machinists, your united auto workers, and
God only knows who else.
So the senator should be embarrassed at minimum, being the cover to
call the kettle black. I think it's time for the voters of this state
(assuming that they care for their future and the future of their
kids) to get the memo on the real Patty Murray. The one whose head is
so far up the back alley of the unions and the special interest that
she can touch their toes.
Let's look at some of Patty Murray's bravest moments as a senator in
the last couple of years. She proudly fought for the so called health
reform. The monstrosity that even though was borne of the flaming
desire of people like Patty Murray to fix the cost associated with
health insurance, the quality of it, elimination of the gigantic fraud
that exists in the federal health care system, to restrain insurance
companies from screwing us and reform the torque element that has bled
billions of dollars that made a lot of lawyers very wealthy, none of
the above was addressed in the bill that the senator signed for.
Perhaps the senator wrote a favor to the bar association and other
entities. Furthermore, the senator has the audacity to be patting
herself on the back for the five hundred billion dollars cut from
Medicare. And she proclaims "Eureka!" How stupid is that? Shamelessly,
Mrs. Murray also endorsed and voted for what I see as discrimination
between union and non union working Americans. The nuts and the bolts
of that issue are that if your mother and father own a small family
business and dare to purchase a good, functional health program, at
times sacrificing their savings and the bottom line of their business,
they must pay 40% tax on top of the monthly cost of their coverage.
But thanks to her, and the rest of the umpa lumpas in the senate and
the nut jobs that hold the office of the congress of the United States
of America, the union workers are exempted. I wonder how the 82% of
Americans working day in and day out but who do not belong to a union
feel about this. She also voted for the travesty she calls stimulus.
That by all economists' accounts has been the worst financial bill and
waste of taxpayer's money. For that, she deserves an F in economics.
Unless she will declare that the money spent to study the sex life of
monkeys under the influence of cocaine is the greatest place to put
people's money. Our state has never seen any stimulation as long as
the senator has been senator. To the contrary, we are much worse now
than we were without Patty Murray. From my perspective, as a
Washingtonian, when Patty and her cronies were making the back-room
bills that sent several preferential treatments to several states,
including the huge bacon sent to Nebraska, all the senator could
muster for our state was a truck load of baloney. And she voted for
that, too. She also expressed the willingness to vote for the so-
called card check, a sickening a despicable concept that will
undermine the rights to workers and employers to have a democratic
dialogue and figure out the solutions to their problems without the
fear of unions. Obviously the senator doesn't think highly of the
constitution. In summary, it's totally irresponsible from a voters'
perspective to maintain in the senate a dysfunctional union
cheerleader and expect different results in the future. It didn't
happen in 18 years. It will not happen ever. It's also irreprehensible
that the senator chose to throw several accusations around, most of
them directed at Mr. Rossi and his love affair with Wall Street. One
should be compelled to set the record straight. It's difficult to
accept that a candidate not yet elected into office has such sheer
power on Wall Street.
When in fact, there is indisputable evidence that the hedge fund
managers, the core of the financial chaos, gave a whopping $40 million
to the democrats in the 2008 election. The senator voted for that too.
Giving the huge banks the right to abolish the small banks and to run
the Wall Street with even less restrictions than they did before.
Patty Murray voted for that too. Dino Rossi did not. It is ridiculous
for anybody in office to so vehemently criticize the behaviors of
others if they never distinguish themselves to that level by their own
performance. We can ignore a very basic and fundamental rule that it
is more crucial to move the country the right direction than create a
false sense of prosperity now. The senator has plainly failed to do
her job. Rewarding her with reelection would be criminal and grossly
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