Letters 7/15

Dangerous crosswalks

The crosswalks on West McGraw Street/32nd Avenue West are extremely dangerous to pedestrians.

Many drivers in vehicles will not, and do not give pedestrians walking these crosswalks their "Legal" right-of-way. Many drivers in vehicles do not make a full stop at these stop signs on these corners and frequently run through these stop signs.

When we walk in these crosswalks and a vehicle is approaching us, we must frequently put up our hand in the stop position to stop the driver in the vehicle from hitting us. Frequently drivers in vehicles ignore us and do not stop at the stop sign and speed right past us missing us by mere inches.

A few years ago, two older women were walking in one of these crosswalks. Both women were hit by a driver in his vehicle who did not stop at the stop sign. One woman was injured, the other woman was killed.

- Dr. and Mrs. J. Kelly


Spectacular views along the top of the Magnolia Bridge and Ursula Judkins Viewpoint Park could be wiped out permanently.

Later this year, the Navy will sell the Admiral's House property adjacent to the bridge, and there is no guarantee that new owners will restore and protect one of Magnolia's premiere views.

Uncontrolled invasive vegetation on Navy property already partially obstructs views of downtown Seattle, Elliott Bay, Mt. Rainier and the new Pier 91 cruise ship terminal. Before it's too late, concerned residents must insist that these views be reopened and preserved as they once were for some 70 years.

Insist the Navy include a view easement in the sale agreement for this property, which the City outright gave the Navy in the 1940s at no cost.

Magnolia deserves no less!

On June 17, the Navy gave public notice and solicited public comments in the Seattle Times and Magnolia/QA News.

Please submit letters or e-mails no later than Friday, July 17 to:

 NAVFAC Northwest

Attn: Christopher Runner

1101 Taulog Circle, EV1

Silverdale, WA 98315-1101


- Christopher Runner[[In-content Ad]]