Seattle City Council member and Queen Anne resident David Della kicked off his campaign Feb. 28 for a second term in Position 7 of the council.
The catered, early-morning event and fundraiser in the Fisher Pavilion at the Seattle Center drew a huge crowd of supporters, along with some movers and shakers that included Port Commissioner Lloyd Hara, former mayor Wes Uhlman, former Seattle Center director Virginia Anderson, King County Executive Ron Sims and fellow city council members Richard McIver and Sally Clark.
Also listed as supporters in Della's campaign literature are, among others, former City Attorney Mark Sidran; state senators Adam Kline (D-37th District) and Ed Murray (D-43rd District); state representatives Helen Sommers (D-Magnolia), Mary Lou Dickerson (D-36th District) and House Speaker Frank Chopp (D-43rd District).
Many members of Della's extended family were on hand at the event as well, and his daughter, Jade Della, was one of the speakers. Her father, Jade said, was a student activist in the Filipino and Asian community, a union member and an advocate for workers' rights.
"For me," she added, "he's simply my daddy." Still, Jade said, Della has also been "a wonderful role model" for her and someone willing to fight for his beliefs.
Announcing his candidacy for another term on the council, Della said he was running because he loves Seattle. "I love public service," Della stressed, "and I love this job."
He also talked up his working-class roots, saying his family moved to Seattle in the 1940s and adding that his father ended up working in the Alaskan fish-canning industry because he couldn't get a job in his field in the city.
That left his mother to raise him and eight siblings all by herself, Della said with some pride. He also remembered the church he attended had a charity Thanksgiving basket that was given to his family one year.
What Della described as his "working-poor" background has colored his political views. "I am worried the city no longer provides opportunities for working families," he said. "I'm afraid we're driving out individuals and families who built this city."
As a council member, Della is also swimming against the current over replacing the Alaskan Way Viaduct and favors a rebuild. "We cannot afford the gold-plated tunnel," he said, comparing it to the scuttled $11-billion monorail project.
Della also worked with Seattle City Light to lower rates for senior citizens and families "trying to make ends meet," along with sponsoring the largest family and education levy in the city's history, he said. "And we will continue to provide support for our schools because, you know what, failure is not an option," he added.
As of March 5, Della had a campaign war chest that contained $55,359, according to the Ethics and Elections Commission Web site. Of that, the largest amount ($13,333) came from outside Seattle, followed closely by $10,895, which came from downtown and Belltown residents and businesses, according to the Web site.
Formerly a Beacon Hill resident, Della has drawn one opponent so far. He's Tim Burgess, a retired business executive who was formerly a member of the Ethics and Elections Commission. Burgess's campaign war chest contains $19,725 as of March 5, according to the elections Web site.
Della sounded upbeat at the campaign kickoff about his chances of being reelected. "I have big dreams for the next four years, and beyond," he told the crowd.
Staff reporter-at-large Russ Zabel can be reached at or 461-1309.[[In-content Ad]]